
Ethos' two latest quarterly reports include the Ethos Quarterly and Ethos Investment Focus

The Ethos Quarterly presents an overview of current issues in the fields of responsible investment and active shareholding. Highlights include:

Editorial: Strong Signal from the Shareholders

Shareholder Activism

· Bribery: Norwegian Fund Considers Exclusion of Siemens

· Board of Directors: Succession Planning

Socially Responsible Investment

· Ethos Analyses Codes of Conduct: Potential for Improvement

· Corporate Codes of Conduct: A Strategic Document

· Issues Covered by Codes of Conduct

Say on Pay

· Golden Hellos Follow Golden Parachutes

· Ethos Opposes Remuneration Policy

· Best Practice Principles for Executive Remuneration

· American International Group: Bonuses Returned under Pressure

General Meetings

· Putsch at Sulzer

· Quarterly Review of General Meetings Analysed by Ethos

· Shareholder Resolutions: More Environmental and Social Issues

The Ethos Investment Focus is the management report of the various segments of the Ethos institutional investment fund and of the «Pictet-Ethos (CH) Swiss Sustainable Equities» investment fund.

Corporate Governance
Responsible investment